
Showing posts from September, 2018

RM's wise words that had clicked me so hard.

...... Maybe i made a mistake yesterday. But yesterday's me is still me. Today, i am who i am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, i might be a tiny bit wiser,  and that would be me too. These faults and mistakes are what i am making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who i am, for who i was, and who i hope to become. -RM, The leader of BTS-


It's been a long time since my last post. Anyways, i missed everything back then. Where all expectations are almost correct. Those times when i didn't have to worry much of what's going to happen. On contrary, these days had been stressful. Very, to be precise.


So recently we ran into each other quite frequently.  Oh God i did not know how to express the nervousness and happiness inside me when you smiled back every time i smiled at you and how you became exited when i send you cat posts on dm . :') I knew she likes cat so much bc most of her stories are about her cats , she definitely misses her cat so much as soon as she started college.  Haih but the problem is she's a DEGREE student and i'm still in my foundation year. She's a year older than me duuuuuuuhhh She's also a whole complete idol of mine lol. She can dance, she can sing, and she's taking degree in veterinary! which is my main goal in life, :") I hope i can be in the same faculty with her next year huhuhuhuh


Sometimes you may feel mad at yourselves. Like i did today. The feeling was helpless. Sometimes i wonder when will my clumsiness ever go away? When will i change to me more mature. THEN. I think of the future where i need to stand with my own feet. When my parents no longer in my reach , will i be okay? AND. When that thought came into my mind, and my overthinking flows like a river, I imagined a lot of possible occurrence, And start counting the numbers. BUT. When reality hits for the time again, And the madness still don't go away, Repeating the first verse over again. I knew I'm not going anywhere.